Customer Testimonials

I am Ms. Gao, and I am the sampling personnel responsible for the sampling and inspection of water quality. We must carry out sampling once every several hours. With this GRASP water sampler, we are able to save on labor costs and processing time, immensely. At night the sampling process is performed automatically.

My name is Tian XueMei, and I am the chairman of GD Veizhong Testing Technique Co., Ltd. Our company has chosen GRASP sampling equipment to complete our water sample testing project.

Hello, I am Chen JinShun, and I am the deputy secretary general of the Foshan association of the Environmental Protection Industry. The city of Foshan is located in the economically developed Pearl River Delta region. It houses an abundance of equipment manufacturing companies.

Customer Testimonials
  • PINGZHOU Sewage Treatment Plant
  • VEIZHONG Testing
  • Southern China Cluster of the Chinese Environmental Service Sector
Product Videos
  • FC-9624 Portable Automatic Water Sampler
  • BC-2300 Portable Automatic Water Sampler
  • SCH-213 Handheld Sampling Pump
  • CG-00 Water Sampler
  • FC-9624YL Automatic Water Sampler